
Datasets Used

Data Visualization Assignments:

Assignment 10

Black Hat

  • Title generalize for the entire year when on practice it is only about March
  • Y axis start point is 294 that hides context and leads to the conclusion that highest prrices vary a lot
  • Colors put additional misleading pressure on the difference between values
  • Y axis name doesn't provide currency inforrmation

White Hat

  • Title corrected accordiing to data
  • Y axis start point changed to 0 and now we have a context where we can see that the differance between values is not that big
  • Colors misled to conclusions and were removed
  • Y axis name extended with currency sign

Black Hat

  • Used data is misleading as prices are shown only for the last two month: March to April
  • Title is misleading as those are not the highest prices for theis year
  • Y axis name positioned far away
  • X axis name is redundand and not informative: from the ticks and from the chart's name clear that it is about months of 2022
  • Y axis name doesn't provide currency inforrmation
  • Tooltip doesn't work
  • Grid is absent which makes data less clear togather with the not working tooltip

White Hat

  • Used data represents 2022 from the beginning
  • Title corrected accordiing to the used data
  • Y axis name positioning fixed
  • Y axis name extended with currency sign
  • X axis name removed
  • Tooltip fixed
  • Horizontal grid lines added to provide more clarity to values over time
  • Data points added to improve user experience
  • Width changed to better represent used data